Core command-line tools

Core command-line tools

The core functionality of Themelio is encapsulated in a few command-line tools:

  • themelio-node is the full node reference implementation. You’ll use themelio-node to contribute to the network, either as a nonvoting auditor node, or a voting staker node that stakes SYM to participate in Themelio’s proof-of-stake consensus.
  • melwalletd is a thin-client wallet daemon. It exposes a local REST API that can be directly used, but is intended mostly as a microservice that wallet GUIs, trading bots, and other programs use to transact on the blockchain.
  • melwallet-cli is a command-line wallet program, interfacing with melwalletd
  • melminter is a Melmint minter that uses CPU power to mint ERG, which can then be converted to MEL. It interfaces with melwalletd.

These are all documented on pages to the left.

Installing the CLI tools

The recommended way of installing Themelio software at the moment is by compiling from source. Since Themelio’s CLI tools are written purely in Rust, this is very easy using Rust’s Cargo package manager.

Installing a Rust toolchain

The best way to install a Rust toolchain is to follow the official guide.

Make sure that your Cargo version is at least 1.61:

$ cargo --version
cargo 1.61

Installing the tools

$ cargo install --locked themelio-node melwalletd melminter melwallet-client