MelVM is the low-level, stack-based virtual machine that powers Themelio covenants. By only allowing looping for a fixed number of iterations, MelVM makes the worst-case cost of each covenant computable, trading off Turing completeness. Unlike Bitcoin scripts, however, MelVM covenants can compute all primitive recursive functions, allowing expressing almost all “interesting” constructs.
Memory model
MelVM uses a Harvard architecture where the code itself is not part of the memory space. Memory is divided into two regions: the stack and the heap. Except when data is transferred between the stack and the heap, MelVM instructions directly operate only on stack data, pushing and popping items from the top of the stack.
A big difference from most low-level VMs is that the basic unit of data isn’t a word of binary data, but a recursive data structure:
pub enum Value {
That is, there are two base types:
- 256-bit unsigned integers
- Arbitrary-length bytestrings
As well as a product type: an immutable vector.
The stack is just a FIFO stack of Value
s, while the heap is a mapping from 16-bit addresses to Value
Execution model
MelVM takes as input:
/// Heap address where the transaction trying to spend the coin encumbered by this covenant (spender) is put
pub const ADDR_SPENDER_TX: u16 = 0;
/// Heap address where the spender's hash is put.
pub const ADDR_SPENDER_TXHASH: u16 = 1;
/// Heap address where the *parent* (the transaction that created the coin now getting spent)'s hash is put
pub const ADDR_PARENT_TXHASH: u16 = 2;
/// Heap address where the index, at the parent, of the coin being spent is put. For example, if we are spending the third output of some transaction, `Heap[ADDR_PARENT_INDEX] = 2`.
pub const ADDR_PARENT_INDEX: u16 = 3;
/// Heap address where the hash of the running covenant is put.
pub const ADDR_SELF_HASH: u16 = 4;
/// Heap address where the face value of the coin being spent is put.
pub const ADDR_PARENT_VALUE: u16 = 5;
/// Heap address where the denomination of the coin being spent is put.
pub const ADDR_PARENT_DENOM: u16 = 6;
/// Heap address where the additional data of the coin being spent is put.
/// Heap address where the height of the parent is put.
pub const ADDR_PARENT_HEIGHT: u16 = 7;
/// Heap address where the "spender index" is put. For example, if this coin is spent as the first input of the spender, then `Heap[ADDR_SPENDER_INDEX] = 0`.
pub const ADDR_SPENDER_INDEX: u16 = 8;
/// Heap address where the header of the last block is put. If the covenant is being evaluated for a transaction in block N, this is the header of block N-1.
pub const ADDR_LAST_HEADER: u16 = 9;
List of opcodes
In the “meaning” field, all expressions are evaluated left to right. For example, pop() - pop()
means pop a value x
, then another value y
, and then compute x-y
Overflow always wraps. Whether or not the previous instruction overflowed can be queried.
Opcode | Encoding | Meaning |
ADD | 0x10 | push(pop() + pop()) |
SUB | 0x11 | push(pop() - pop()) |
MUL | 0x12 | push(pop() * pop()) |
DIV | 0x13 | push(pop() / pop()) |
REM | 0x14 | push(pop() % pop()) |
All operators operate on integers and are bitwise.
Opcode | Encoding | Meaning |
AND | 0x20 | push(pop() & pop()) |
OR | 0x21 | push(pop() | pop()) |
XOR | 0x22 | push(pop() ^ pop()) |
NOT | 0x23 | push(~pop()) |
EQL | 0x24 | push(pop() == pop()) |
LT | 0x25 | push(pop() < pop()) |
GT | 0x26 | push(pop() > pop()) |
Operators take in a bytestring and return a bytestring.
Opcode | Encoding | Meaning |
HASH(n) | 0x30 + u16be | push(blake3(pop()[..n])) |
SIGEOK(n) | 0x32 + u16be | push(ed25519_verify(msg = pop()[..n], pk = pop(), sig = pop())) |
Heap access
Opcode | Encoding | Meaning |
LOAD | 0x40 | push(heap[pop()]) |
STORE | 0x41 | heap[pop()] = pop() |
LOADIMM(n) | 0x42 + u16be | push(heap[n]) |
STOREIMM(n) | 0x43 + u16be | heap[n] = pop() |
Despite their appearance, these operations, as well as those for bytestrings, are all quasi-constant-time because vectors and bytestrings can be represented as RRB trees or similar.
Opcode | Encoding | Meaning |
VREF | 0x50 | push(pop()[pop()]) |
VAPPEND | 0x51 | push(pop() ++ pop()) |
VEMPTY | 0x52 | push(empty vector) |
VLENGTH | 0x53 | push(pop().length) |
VSLICE | 0x54 | push(pop[pop()..pop()]) |
VSET | 0x55 | push(pop[pop() => pop()]) |
VPUSH | 0x56 | push(pop().push(pop())) |
VCONS | 0x57 | push(cons(pop(), pop())) |
Opcode | Encoding | Meaning |
BREF | 0x70 | push(pop()[pop()]) |
BAPPEND | 0x71 | push(pop() ++ pop()) |
BEMPTY | 0x72 | push(empty vector) |
BLENGTH | 0x73 | push(pop().length) |
BSLICE | 0x74 | push(pop[pop()..pop()]) |
BSET | 0x75 | push(pop[pop() => pop()]) |
BPUSH | 0x76 | push(pop().push(pop())) |
BCONS | 0x77 | push(cons(pop(), pop())) |
Control flow
Opcode | Encoding | Meaning |
JMP(n) | 0xa0 | Jump n instructions forward |
BEZ(n) | 0xa1 | If pop() is zero, jump n |
BNZ(n) | 0xa2 | If pop() isn’t zero, jump n |
LOOP(n, body) | 0xb0 + u16be + u16be | Loop body n times |
Type conversions
Opcode | Encoding | Meaning |
ITOB | 0xc0 | Pops an integer and converts to bytes |
BTOI | 0xc1 | Pops bytes and converts first 32B to integer |
TYPEQ | 0xc2 | Pops a value and returns what type it is: 0 if integer, 1 if bytes, 2 if vector. |
Opcode | Encoding | Meaning |
PUSHB(bytes) | 0xf0 + u8 length + bytes | Push the bytes to the stack |
PUSHI(int) | 0xf1 + u256be | Push the integer to the stack |